
Back Again

It's been a while since I added to this blog. I don't know how long I will be active again, but until I have to focus my thoughts on something else I will fill these pages.

I got married in January. A huge step after being alone for 20 years. What I've noticed is that I have a lot of "stuff". I want less clutter. I look around and see stuff everywhere. I need to pare it down without giving up the things I think will be needed in a hard economy. Beautiful things are wonderful to have around me, but maybe I can fill that spot with another bag of rice or a container of beans.

I hope I can get rid of things without feeling deprived and going out and buying more "stuff". That is my goal for this spring. We have a rummage sale/parking lot sale coming up at the end of the month. I am going to take some things today to the storage unit where we are holding it so that I can move forward with my goal of paring it down.

In the mean time - here are some more books and things that might be helpful in the hard times coming.

FOOD PREP- 251p. Basic Food Preparation

HEALTH-265p. A Complete Handbook of Nature Cures

HEALTH-410p. Anticancer Therapeutics

HERBS-276p. Useful Wild Plants of the United States and Canada

Secret Hiding Places