Bubonic Plague

Recently a friend in a neighboring town said that her neighbor's daughter was being tested for the plague. The symptoms were weird so we went to look up the symptoms for Bubonic Plague and realized that they are not what this girl is suffering from. That was a relief, but I hope they can find out what is wrong with that sweet girl soon. It's no fun being sick.

Here are the symptoms of Bubonic Plague so that you can be aware.

Due to its bite-based form of infection, the bubonic plague is often the first step of a progressive series of illnesses. Bubonic plague symptoms appear suddenly, usually 2–5 days after exposure to the bacteria. Symptoms include:
  • Acral gangrene: Gangrene of the extremities such as toes, fingers, lips and tip of the nose.[5]
  • Chills
  • General ill feeling (malaise)
  • High fever (39 °Celsius; 102 °Fahrenheit)
  • Muscle Cramps[6]
  • Seizures
  • Smooth, painful lymph gland swelling called a bubo, commonly found in the groin, but may occur in the armpits or neck, most often at the site of the initial infection (bite or scratch)
  • Pain may occur in the area before the swelling appears
  • Skin color changes to a pink hue in some very extreme cases
Other symptoms include heavy breathing, continuous vomiting of blood (hematemesis), aching limbs, coughing, and extreme pain. The pain is usually caused by the decay or decomposition of the skin while the person is still alive. Additional symptoms include extreme fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, lenticulae (black dots scattered throughout the body), delirium and coma.