Scripture Study Aids

Ideas for scripture study and scripture reading 

(I hope this is helpful - having a bunch of things in the same place. I do have more to upload, so check back later. Also, google the words "scripture journaling" and check out the Pinterest link, there are more ideas that you can modify for yourself)


Wide margin version of the Book of Mormon (and other scriptures)
    You can take notes on about 2 inches of each side of the page
    Wide Margin Edition – All Standard Works

Scripture Study Presentation (for a family home evening?)
    Scripture Study Presentation
    This website also had things for sale to help your scripture study
    The Red Headed Hostess, things for sale

Simple Inspiration website. All kinds of printable things
    Allison Kimball scripture journal

    Allison Kimball, free printables


Getting more from the scriptures
Personal scripture study
What is the role of the Book of Mormon (one chapter from Preach my Gospel)
When I need.....

BOOKS: some of these come from