Dried fruits have always been a favorite of mine, for snack time and
for any time when I need a little sweet pick-me-up. I haven't done much
drying myself, but have enjoyed the product of other's labors. The fruit
from the fruit of their labors - so to speak.
There are multiple booklets out there on drying food. This one is a 4
pages pamphlet from The Ohio State University Extension. Booklet #
HYG-5347-09, it's called Drying Fruits and Vegetables.
here are a whole bunch of links to food dehydrators. These are plans of
various complexity, but I think at least one of these would be easy for
you to make.
Sun Dry Your Fruits and Vegetables
Solar Tunnel Food Dryer
Solar Food Dryer
Solar Drying
Solar Agricultural Dryers
Preserving Food by Drying
Preservation of Fruit and Vegetables
Preservation of Foods
How to Build a Solar Food Dryer
Dry It You'll Like It
11/17/17: Pardon me if I have included anything that might be offensive to my strict vegan friends. It will be a process to clean up my blog to strictly vegan/animal friendly. I probably won't take any recipe books off just because they have meat in them because recipes can be adjusted, but I probably won't but things on this blog that are just for meat. Hugs Glenda