
A Sunday in May

We're thinking about making a greenhouse. Well..... actually, I've stopped "thinking" and now I am moving forward. I've seen a lot of different designs and contemplated them. I've finally decided on one made out of cattle panels.

Okay, not everyone knows what cattle panels are.
Here is the video I watched that got me excited about doing it this weekend.


It took me a couple of hours to find it again, so I am posting it here so it won't get lost.

Here are some images I found on the "net". Some good ideas. I especially like the one against the building. That one will be my hubby's garden shed. After I get the greenhouse done, that is. 


Why do we prepare #2

Check out these articles about why we even bother to prepare for an uncertain future.

Why keep a deep pantry
The reasons we keep more than a couple of weeks of food in the house. With the disasters that are happening all over the world why would you put yourself at risk for not being able to feed your family?

100 Items to Disappear First
When things go bad, these items will disappear off the shelves and will not be available any longer.

Hurricanes, Floods and Power Outages
Because simple things can happen - not just the end of the world as we know it scenarios.


My Fight Against Sugar

Check out this website that gives 83+ healthy recipe substitutions. Included are some sugar substitutions. Not substituting MORE sugar - but substituting something else INSTEAD of sugar.

GREATIST! Here are some of the ideas:

Happy reading......Glenda

Back Again

It's been a while since I added to this blog. I don't know how long I will be active again, but until I have to focus my thoughts on something else I will fill these pages.

I got married in January. A huge step after being alone for 20 years. What I've noticed is that I have a lot of "stuff". I want less clutter. I look around and see stuff everywhere. I need to pare it down without giving up the things I think will be needed in a hard economy. Beautiful things are wonderful to have around me, but maybe I can fill that spot with another bag of rice or a container of beans.

I hope I can get rid of things without feeling deprived and going out and buying more "stuff". That is my goal for this spring. We have a rummage sale/parking lot sale coming up at the end of the month. I am going to take some things today to the storage unit where we are holding it so that I can move forward with my goal of paring it down.

In the mean time - here are some more books and things that might be helpful in the hard times coming.

FOOD PREP- 251p. Basic Food Preparation

HEALTH-265p. A Complete Handbook of Nature Cures

HEALTH-410p. Anticancer Therapeutics

HERBS-276p. Useful Wild Plants of the United States and Canada

Secret Hiding Places